Doom is imminent!

The Earth-bound adoptive father of the Son of God is about to have a very bad day. It’s the first day of big girl school for Ruthie and nothing is going to stop her, not even a sleep deprived big brother with angels standing guard at his bedroom door. But first they have to get there, and getting this family and their friends to two different schools is an adventure on its own. Along the way Joseph takes notice of a truckload of “edu-bots”, robots intended for school use by the Patriot Springs Public Schools System. 

At Grover Lincoln Middle School Jesus and Lil’ D meet their new teachers, who include Medusa, Kali, Thor, a Harpie and the school’s principal Moses. Even more exciting to meet are their fellow classmates: Joan of Arc, Dracula, L. Ron Hubbard and Xenu, Buddha, Adolf Hitler, Cassius Clay and Howard Cosell, Joseph Smith and his two girlfriends Emma and Louisa, Confucius, Clark Kent, Ghandi, and who knows who else!

But what’s the deal with these robots? Seems a certain devil down in hell, one Tres Lucifero, has recruited Lil’ D’s grandmother Eva Belle to aid him in his plot for revenge against Jesus for depriving him of that Evel Klown! An act of vengeance that will unfold at Ruthie’s new school Martha Washington Elementary.

Robots and demons everywhere! On top of all this Lil’ D is about to hit puberty. Oh, it’s on! With news like this you know the media will be there to cover the chaos, Patriot Patrol 32’s own Harriet Iscariot reporting the action as it happens.

Hey! It’s just another day in Patriot Springs. So take a deep breath and keep telling yourself the doom isn't real.