
Are you young and inebriated? Are you old and drunk? Do you loathe mainstream publishers with attitudes too big for their own good? They can’t afford to give YOU the time of day? Jerks! Did you once work for a mainstream publisher who no longer has time for you? Have you recently escaped police custody and need legal representation?

If you answered “yes” to most of these questions WE WANT YOU!

Actually, let’s be clear: If you like to make funny pages and think we may like them enough to publish them in a future issue of Bad Halo Comix Magazine then we want what you want. And that’s good for everyone.

Maybe you’re not an artist (or all-purpose cartoonist). Maybe you’re a writer and your work is so funny people laugh directly in front of you, instead of behind your back. Yup. We wanna see your work too.

Here’s what we want from artists: fan art, cover art (depicting our characters or abstract and humorous concepts), interior art, cartoon strips, single panel gags, comics (complete stories in general, but if you’re work is good enough to spread out over several issues we will serialize it), and general miscellaneous items. 

Here’s what we want from writers: articles on just about any topic (700 words or less). This seems vague but we are open to new things. If you have a unique idea we want to read it. People are sick of reading the same crap over and over. Don’t send us crap. We also want to read your short stories (2,000 words or less). If your short story is good and over 2,000 words we may serialize it. And let us emphasize once again we are open to just about anything. A good way to look at this is to think about the early days of Rolling Stone Magazine. Back in the day those guys were publishing articles no one else wanted to publish. If you have an article (or an idea) that no one else wants send it to us.

Here’s what we DO NOT WANT: It’s easiest to compare what this magazine will publish to a video game or film rating. We are rated PG or PG-13 at most. In other words, we’re not going to publish porn or anything that requires a warning label of “Mature Content”. There are many other magazines and sites where such can be found and that’s not something we want to compete with.

Something else we don’t want to see is hatred; genuine hatred. We joke about hatred, and that’s all it is – a joke. 

Your work just needs to be funny. Unless your story is about shit itself there’s no reason it needs to be full of shit jokes.

Example: Late Saturday night after the club you walk into a Denny’s restroom and someone has smeared shit all over the walls. Maybe you’re still a little drunk and you innocently laugh. After all, the punch-line is shit all over the walls. And who wouldn’t laugh at the site of shit all over the walls? But at the end of the night there’s still shit all over the walls.

What are we talking about here? We’re talking about an idiot who walked into a Denny’s restroom, stuck his hand up his own ass and smeared shit all over the walls. DO NOT SEND US YOUR SHIT!

Writing “clean” humor can be a challenge, but think of some of the great comedy giants: Bill Cosby, Weird Al, Jerry Seinfeld, Ken Ham.                    

“Does my work need to have a religious bend?”

Short answer: no.

Our slogan is “Because Religion is Funny” but that doesn’t mean we’re only about religious humor. We just take the approach that religion covers more of the planet Earth than water and shouldn’t be held so sacred it hinders people from laughter.

“Will it help?”

Maybe. Whaddaya got for us?

And the BIG question…

“What do you pay?”

Take a look out your window and close your eyes. Imagine the Universe before the Big Bang. Take it all in. Really picture yourself there. You can’t? Oh. I guess that’s because there was NOTHING!

Bad Halo Comix is in the deep, deep dark end of the nets. I can’t even get rl friends to LIKE and SHARE posts that aren’t cat videos on Facebook. I have no clout and even less money. But like many others I love comics and that’s the only reason to be doing this. If you have other options let me be the first to encourage you to take them. But, if after reading the above litany you are undaunted and still want to make a submission, please do so. We very much want to see your work and if it’s of good quality and it makes us laugh we’ll publish it in a future issue… and there will be great rejoicing.


--David Paul
Co-creator, Publisher
Bad Halo Comix